Located in Temple, we service home owners and businesses in Bell and McLennan counties. We provide state-of-the-art water softeners, filtration systems, reverse osmosis technology, as well as installation and support services.
Our water specialists test water in homes and businesses find find water hardness to be 12 grains or more, and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) to be 200 and greater. When you contact us, we set up appointments at your location so solutions can be based on actual test results for hardness, TDS, iron, chlorine, and pH. If water treatment solutions are recommended, you will receive an estimate for your needs.
Please contact Culligan in Temple today so we can help assist in determining how your water can be made better.
Once you experience life with a Culligan water softener you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. The soft, treated, conditioned water you get from a Culligan® water softener will make life easier all around your house. With soft Culligan water you will notice a dramatic difference everywhere you use water: